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February 26, 2011

Law Enforcement Agent Exemption Exam and Submission Form

Page Contents
   Introduction to Concepts
   Exam  ( 23 questions; 2,483 words; 10 minutes)
   Instantaneous Web Submission

This page can be used by law enforcement agents who wish to be excused from the concerted efforts of a concerned group of citizens to scrutinize an important element of our society which is currently experiencing a deleterious change in corporate culture and to exert political and social and personal motivations for a return to efficacy.

Such effort includes the discovery and exploitation of law enforcement officer's misconduct and unprofessional activities to affect their expulsion or dismissal from their employment in law enforcement.

Individuals who donate their time to law enforcement efforts are applauded and are exempt from these efforts. Paid law enforcement agents who wish to be exempted may complete the following examination and submit it online. Cognitive errors in their response will be discussed with them via the contact information they provide on the form. If the respondent's responses are rationally coherent and logically consistent, he or she will be excused from all efforts to relieve him or her of their employment and shall be commended for their good work.

The choices found in the multiple choice questions have been carefully selected by definitive bifurcation to include all possible responses and pose redundancies. Feelings that your response is not represented often arise when a logically consistent restatement of your response makes your response's undesirability obvious.

Medical doctors and electricians are among professional who are required to make decisions which effect the lives of others every day. If a doctor or an electrician makes even an excusable mistake in his or her daily work, lives can be lost. The same is required of local, state and federal law enforcement agents, however the rigor of their education is often inadequate to the task, leaving the lives of their charges in unnecessary danger.

The decisions which doctors and electricians are required to make everyday are matters of technical proficiency, while law enforcement requires also an attention to civility, morality and other subjects apropos to civilized behavior. Law enforcement educational efforts are usually geared toward proficiency of a given task only, not moral accountability.

Medical doctors and electricians derive their living in the private sector where mistakes act as selective pressures which assure proficiency, while all institutions of government are constrained by evolutionary selective pressures which favor incompetence. Learn more at www.jerrywickey.net/government

Time, resources and funds have now been devoted to the effort to remove individuals from their paid positions who receive monetary compensation from local, state or federal offices of government in consideration for their law enforcement activities.

Shall individuals who fail to excuse themselves or fail to even attempt their excuse, feel vengeful and seek the enforcement of obscure regulations against the author of this examination, regulations which they would not otherwise enforce? We would all hope not, but officers are commonly observed in the field citing obscure and normally un-enforced regulations, suggesting more rigorous enforcement when confronted with even slight dissension.

Despite the officer's training these methods are not efficacious means of securing cooperation. Instead they exacerbate the developing divergence between civil consensus and the law enforcement corporate culture; as well, such actions provide conclusive evidence of the officer's unfitness, the very sort of which this exam is designed to identify.

(Clear All Exam Answers and contact info)

Pre-Question (1 of 2)

Which goal is more important?

Put the perpetrator behind bars.

Maintain the integrity of our system of justice, even if sometimes the guilty go free.

These two goals are never in conflict.

Pre-Question (2 of 2)

When is it appropriate to enforce an obscure, arcane, or outdated regulation, one which is not often or never enforced?


When someone pisses off a cop. That is why those regulations are written.

Whenever someone disrespects the law, but isn't actually breaking it in any substantial way.

Question 1

Which best describes you?

I am a police officer and take my oath of duty seriously, as such I consider questions such as those posed here carefully and have formulated considered opinions regarding them.

I am a police officer and I deal in reality, not the hypothetical. I enforce laws which describe things which might occur under circumstances which have not yet taken place. As such I do not answer hypothetical questions.

No wait... that doesn't make any sense. I am a police officer, but I still won't be answering these darn questions because I feel as Bertrand Russell said "It is easier to just feel that somethings are wrong then it is to actually find the fault with any part of it."

I am a police officer and do not think about these things nor am I interested in doing so.

I am not a paid law enforcement agent in any capacity.

Question 2

Current law already provides officers the option to selectively enforce a regulation in cases where they deem it nessesary. Such as "open container" laws. As such there is evidentially, no societal or legislative aversion to granting officers the authority to impose some limited penalties such as arrest or threat of arrest with out judicial revuew. That is, the officer can threaten or impose limited penaties at his discretion alone. Yet no legislation grants this authority to police officers overtly and expressly.

Can you provide a rationally coherent reason that duly authorized police officers should not be expressly granted the authority by law to issue fines of a limited value at their discretion to whomever and under what ever circumstance with out judicial revue and without cause other than the officer's discretion? The intent of such a law would be to provide officers the ability to regulate miscreant behavior when more particular regulations prove ineffective.

No I can't provide any good reason why such a law should not be enacted.

Yes I am sure I can, but can't think of it right now.

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Question 3

A man, maintaining his innocents, is convicted of a crime and imprisoned. He escapes prison causing no one harm. While fugitive, his innocents is discovered.

The man should be pursued, apprehended and punished for escaping justice.

The search for him should be unceremoniously abandoned.

An apology should be issued as the prosecution made an error gravely effecting the life of someone placed in their charge in the same way a medical doctor or electrician sometimes makes errors which adversely effect their charges.

Question 4

A law enforcement officer staffing the prison aided the prisoner in his escape. He did so, because he was persuaded of the man's innocents by certain and personal, but undemonstrable, knowledge of the same evidence which later affected the man's exoneration. The officer was unwilling to jeopardize his immortal soul by willfully participating in the further injustice contrary to his oath of office in exchange for the money which his job as an officer paid.

The officer should be punished because we simply can not have people who have strong moral inclinations acting in law enforcement capacities. He took an oath to uphold the law not to do the right thing.

The officer should be punished because law and morality are not the same thing and certain and undeniable knowledge of innocents is simply not a justifiable reason for evading punishment? Only the arbitrary and amoral cogs of the legal system can determine innocence because there is a difference between legal innocence and moral innocents.

The officer should be applauded for recognizing an error which his superiors failed to recognize earlier in a similar manner as a doctor who saves a patient's life with an unauthorized treatment for his correct diagnosis with which his peers and the attending physician in charge disagreed.

Question 5

A man is arrested in the Keys on a warrant issued for failure to appear stemming from a non violent and non criminal trivial statutory matter disputing $27.

This is the man's first arrest and he is somewhat pleased at the prospect of a new and exciting party story. The man voices his approval at the arrest, and asks the arresting officer and the booking officers if there is time for a friend to retrieve a camera to record the event.

At no point does the man offer resistance. Contrary, the man is quite pleased at the turn of events. The officers however, are somewhat befuddled as they carry out their routine admittance. At one point offering "...This can't go on." To which the man returns an amused smile.

The bail is minimum and the friend of the arrested follows the police car to the detention facility where bail is posted immediately.

The now prisoner is first placed in a holding cell directly near the point of admittance. The prisoner remains in this cell for more than an hour. After which time the prisoner is photographed and then required to change clothes into prison uniform and returned to the holding cell for an additional hour.

At many times during interactions, the prisoner attempts to engage the officers in conversation and the good fortune of being arrested. The officers seem confused offering discordant responses seemingly intended as answers for more familiar prisoner comments.

After this amount of time, the prisoner is brought to an infirmary holding cell where the prisoner again waits only to see a nurse who does not seem to have all the equipment she should have. Then is again returned to the infirmary holding cell.

After some time, the prisoner is brought from the infirmary and the prisoner's clothing is returned. The prisoner comments to the releasing officer regarding the irony of "arrest" being defined as an officer's inability to release a prisoner even if he wanted to, yet the officer is required to release the prisoner at the will of the prisoner's friend.

The only comment from the officer is his untruthful claim that he had knowledge of an ongoing home fire near the residence of the prisoner, and that perhaps the prisoner's home will no longer be there when he returns.

The prisoner is then brought to still another holding cell where upon the prisoner waits nearly an hour again before actual release.

Time between arrest and bail, less than twenty minutes.

Time between arrest and release, more than four hours.

This couldn't have really happened. Good police officers would never allow this to happen.

Policy forbids such behavior, but police officers know better then the policy does and would behave in this way to teach the man a lesson because people who are arrested are guilty of something and need to be punished in ways with which a judge can not interfere. This is to teach respect of the law.

There is no policy against this sort of behavior. People who are arrested are probably guilty of something anyway and need to be punished in ways with which a judge can not interfere. This is to teach respect of the law.

Question 6

Which is true?

Law is intended to be an approximation of morality and justice.

Law and justice are two separate and unconnected things.

Question 7

Does the majority have the moral authority to impose their will on the minority?



No one has the moral right to make new laws and tell others what to do. All law already exist in the concept of right and wrong and is not a product of human civilization. Right and wrong describe the manner in which one person may relate to another and always remains the same. As new technologies arise these same relationship still exist, and are expressed in evolving ways. An ever-existing and transcendent law exists allowing for a man's punishment only under certain circumstances and with the consensus of a man's peers.

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Question 8

If a law requires something which is contrary to your own moral judgment, do you have the moral authority to compel others to obey that law?



Question 9

If the majority decided that slavery was not really as bad as the current popular consensus purports, and elected legislators who repealed the thirteenth amendment of the US constitution which abolished slavery, would you, as a police officer, pursue, arrest and return a slave to his or her owner?


No. I would quit my job.

That's hypothetical, simplistic and unlikely, and I don't want to think about the many things which may be more likely and more complicated but which could place me in that very same and very real moral dilemma. I just want to do my job and not think.

Question 10

Solon's adage, "Good men need not government; and bad men can not be governed" means...

Solon is saying because the areas in which police forces have the greatest presence are also the areas in which the greatest number of crimes are committed, we can infer, that police forces have less effect on a population than the inherent will of the population.

Solon is saying the only thing about a police force of which we can be certain is that they show up just after a crime is committed.

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Question 11

Has participating in this questionnaire so far left you feeling




hasn't affected me at all


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Question 12

Prisons are often called correctional facilities. Recidivism rates are deplorable. As incarceration rates rise, the rate of crime does not decrease. What is the reason a society punishes crime?

Check none, any or all.

Rehabilitation of the criminal

Restitution of the victim

Deterrent of future crime

Righteous indignation at the crime (at least, that one won't do that again for a long time.)


For the reasons above only.

For the reasons above plus another or others, but which I am unable to identify.

None of the above. For a completely different reason, but which I am unable to identify.

I'm not sure why we punish people.

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Question 13

Is government responsible to teach people how to behave in everyday life or are people required to expend the effort to do so themselves?

Yes. Government must teach people everything and if they don't like it, they must be forced to learn.

No, except when it comes to criminal behavior. Then it is the government's responsibility to teach people things they should have learned themselves.

No. Government is not responsible for teaching anyone anything. This is not the reason for punishment.

Question 14

Is government responsible for restoring a victim's loss due to theft, fire, storm or any other?

Yes. Government must restore anything that is lost for any reason.

No, except for criminal behavior, not fire or natural disaster. For crime, the government must step in to do what they can to restore what was lost unless of course they can't get it from the thief. In that case, then government is no longer responsible to restore anything.

No. Government is not responsible for restoring anything to anyone. This is not the reason for punishment.

Question 15

Are there circumstances where vengeance is not only understandable but admirable?



Question 16

Are your answers to questions 12 through 15 consistent with each other? Or did you have to go back and change an answer?

Yes, I am reasonably certain they are consistent.

No, I went back and changed my answers.

I am not sure which of my answers are logically consistent and which are not.

Question 17

Is consistency an important part of a law enforcement officer's job?


No, consistency is not important.

Consistency is important sometimes, but not always.

Question 18

Many peer reviewed studies published in accredited science journals show that those having chosen law enforcement as a career are statistically 2.4 times more likely than the general population to abuse addictive substances and 1.9 times more likely than the general population to be domestic violence offenders in their own homes.

This is because...

Police academy's recruiting policies favor those candidates which score emotional evaluations which coincidentally also fit the emotional characteristics consistent with abuse and addiction.

Some people manage life's stresses well and some do not. The emotional characteristics which attracts someone to police work are those same characteristics which cause them to handle stress more poorly than others.

The stresses are so great that most anyone taking the job will probably end up harming themselves or others at some point.

The studies are wrong. And even if they aren't, its only true because the abuse and addiction start after the stress of the job gets to them. Studies showing abuse arises from their personality not stress are just wrong.

Question 19

Among the professions where the proficiency of one man's work can effect the lives of others (such as electrician, doctor, or police officer) Is police work more important then the others?



Question 20

Police officers, farmers and school teachers all wrestle with low pay. Each may have the same problem. No school system will hire a teacher for more when a dozen other teachers are willing to work for less. Their willingness to work for less arises from their affinity for the work. Do police officers find characteristics of their work so desirable that they are willing to work for less?

Yes, some officers do.

Yes, many officers do.

No, most officers find their jobs no more interesting than those in other professions which receive greater compensation.

Police officers don't complain about their pay.

Question 21

The rate of citizen incarceration in the US is five to seven times that of other industrialized western nations such as France and Germany and tens of times that of third world nations. This was not so a century ago. Currently, only North Korea approaches but does not surpass the US incarceration rate. Some claim that if North Korea's political prisoners are counted, their incarceration rate might then just overtake the US rate. What factor accounts this alarming divergence with the western world and unusual single point correlation with the police state of North Korea?

Citizens in the United States are five to seven times more evil than other people in the rest of the world.

US law enforcement is not just fifty percent better than law enforcement everywhere else but five hundred to seven hundred percent better and smarter at their jobs than the dummies in other nations.

US criminal law is trending toward over zealous.

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submit my carefully considered exam responses to the questions posed here online


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or fax to 800 722 2280    ATTN Jerry

The author encourages discussion and invites open and public discourse. Please email written comments to jerry@jerrywickey.com or fax to 800 722 2280